3 Facts About Positive Masculinity They Want To Hide From Young Men

6 minutes


I’m just going to out myself as a Jordan Peterson fan right off the bat because I want to share a few thoughts on a YouTube video he released just the day before yesterday titled “An Updated Message to Young Men”.

The video starts with a young man in the audience asking how we, as men, are supposed to get our lives in order when we are not accepted as men in the first place.

This seemingly trivial question is actually very profound.

It encapsulates the collective feeling of men not being wanted, not respected, and not appreciated for just being men.

I found Jordan Peterson’s message to be particularly relevant for young boys and men right from the start, when he first became known in 2016, not because of the controversy surrounding him but because he understood that young men were thirsty for attention, guidance, and encouragement.

Many of them had become accustomed to the constant barrage of male-bashing and the default position of misandry perpetrated in the name of “compassion” and feminism, and the impact was profound because men as a group were the ideal breeding ground for it.

Psychologists refer to this as the “plasticity of needs,” which includes unfulfilled desires, feelings of lack, longings, and, of course, fears.

I’m telling you this because I’m grateful, and because of him, others have followed, which means that more young men have reason to be hopeful about the future.

To put it another way, as Dr. Peterson puts it,

“Young men need to know that they are capable of great things. They need to know that there is something worth fighting for.”

What young men have been so eager to know more about is, in reality, the question of what it means to be a man. What is a man?

What is positive masculinity?

In reality, I would argue that this isn´t a difficult question to answer. It is rather simple and straightforward, which is not the same as being easy to live by or embody, but the concept itself is rather simplistic, so simple that as men, we all know deep down when we act outside of our natural true selves and masculine energy.

That’s when the anxiety, anger, frustration, and shame begin.

Why? You cannot fool your subconscious mind.

It knows when you are acting dishonestly.

It “knows” how to discern between falsehoods, and it will make you aware of it until you get it.

People who think that masculinity in its purest form is harmful and toxic to them are deliberately misleading us by making it hard to understand.

In other words, their egalitarian worldview and the gender dynamics seen through the feminist lens cannot coexist with traditional masculinity at the same time.

It is a threat to their identity, and that is why they react with furor and hate.

So they want to destroy anyone opposing them.

Here are the three main strategies they use to control young men so they cannot achieve their true potential

Fishermen in foggy waters?—?Roman L Binder 2022

1) Sow confusion, doubt and distrust

A confused person is a powerless person; lack of clarity is lack of direction

By creating confusion, they cause people to doubt information, their leaders, and even their own judgment. This breaks down trust and cohesion.

Confusion prevents decisive action and encourages paralysis.

A confused enemy may delay or avoid commitments and fail to seize the initiative due to uncertainty.

This is why you see nonsensical “new masculinity movements” pop out everywhere.

In its essence, they part with the false notion that masculinity in its raw form is toxic and that it can be shaped into something more appealing to the gender ideology-conforming woke worldview.

This, of course, is complete and utter garbage.

Inate masculine traits like assertiveness, strength, decisiveness, and even aggression are not bad traits. Only when the men who possess them do not tame and control them are they bad.

“You should be a monster, an absolute monster. And then you should learn how to control it.”?—?Jordan B. Peterson

2) Shame and belittlement

I just read an article here on Medium with the title “This is why Old Men Prefer Young Girls” and then in the subtitle Spoiler Alert: It’s because they are big losers.

That’s a classic shaming tactic right there, and it received thousands of claps.

We all know that the real answer is because they can and because they are naturally attracted to youth and beauty, and that it has been true since the beginning of time.

Feminists drive this nuts because, especially after they hit the wall around 30, they can´t hide from the fact that the men start to find themselves on the long end of the stick in the dating and mating game, and they get really angry because they have been lied to.

They have been told that they can do everything a man can do, but eventually reality kicks in.

Here is an open question for you: Why do you think it is okay and often applauded for women to select opportunistically based on status, height, and physical attributes?

However, why is it problematic that men, in general, prefer youth, beauty, a degree of agreeableness, as well as purity and non-prostituous behavior, or short women that aren’t prostitutes?

It turns out that men and women have different preferences, and you should embrace them and act unapologetically about them.

3) Addiction and Lack Of Purpose

As the latest suicide statistics have shown, men are killing themselves in droves at a four-fold higher rate than women; more than 60% of men have not had sex in the last year, and porn and substance addictions are at an all-time high.

Another shocking statistic is that there are more women-only fans than there are teachers in schools now, and while they are openly bragging and profiting millions of dollars by extracting the resources of dumb, self-deprecating, sexless, and attention-starved men, they somehow still manage to portray themselves as the victims while profiting.

Weak addicts are easy to manipulate, so there isn’t much of an outcry. At least as long as men are the main victims.

Please don’t misinterpret me here. I am not blaming women for men’s fault in becoming addicts and letting themselves be manipulated.

Men, of course, choose to be irresponsible and hedonistic.

That’s on men, and Jordan Peterson points that out rightly in his answer to the video I shared at the beginning.

My point is that society as a whole is not particularly interested in addressing the facts and root causes of these addictions, which is to address the main question of the essay:

What is positive masculinity, and why are young men misled?

As I said, it is not complicated.

Strength, assertiveness, and straightforwardness. Integrity, honor and stoicism

That’s a good start—not easy to adopt and live by, but a simple concept.

Lastly, trust your guts, because you can tell when someone like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, or even Elon Musk appears and has good intentions.

If you found these contemplations valuable, join The Uncharted Road Newsletter for men who want to live on their own terms for personal growth and freedom

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